If you’ve ever wondered why you haven’t gained traction in your email sequence when you’ve got an awesome offer and plenty of subscribers, don’t get discouraged.
It’s likely that your email strategy just needs some sprucing up to convert those lukewarm followers into excited buyers. From one businesswoman to another, here is how to create an emails sequence that captivates your list and turns prospects into clients.
- Hit those pain points - figure out what is bothering your ideal clients and use their language to show them that you understand what they’re going through
- Write a killer opening - use the foolproof fill-in-the-blank subject line & opening formula to sell to anyone
- Create an irresistible call to action - include a specific and clear call to action that connects them to your products and services, you must tell them what to do.
Why you must Nurture your clients through Email
Creating an email sequence that connects to your prospects is essential to building a relationship and speaking to your customer where they are now.
Not everyone is ready to buy right now. They may be in 1 of 3 Stages: Problem Aware, Solution Aware & Provider Aware.
A good email campaign is also known as 'nurture series' because, in order to build trust for your brand, you have to nurture and establish a connection with your subscribers within the stages they are at.
In order to really get the engagement and buys you want, you need to build yourself a unique email sequence that highlights all the awesome things your product can do for your followers.

Email Sequence Plan of Action
Your typical sequence will have 3-5 emails sent over the span of 6 or 7 days.
It might seem like a lot in a short time span, but, if you plan it right, each email will do something different, is essential for your launch & important to warm up your audience.
You want separate emails to introduce your product, tell people the benefits & why they need it now.
It's all about the semantics of how you say this & with your own brand voice, integrating your personality.
Copywriting strategy is the key to selling anything successfully: copy is king. Number one, get clear on the objective of your email sequence: Is it a welcome sequence, a launch sequence, or is your goal to sell your tripwire. Get clear on your goal for the sequence and then you can move into Phase 1 below.
Phase 1: Identify their Pain Points
Pain points encompass all the problems and issues that your ideal customers are experiencing.
Could be any number of things from internal (fear-based worries or thoughts) to external, more tangible problems.
One of the best ways to determine your client's most pressing problems is to create a grid outlining the following:
External | Internal | Goal | Transformation |
Tangible/ visible problem. | A fear-based problem / worry or feeling. | How they want to feel. | The transformation your product or service creates for them. |

Your job is to identify the specific pain points your product/service can alleviate and let your audience know you’ve got identify the transformation you create for them. Get clear on specific problems that you can solve for them.
If you are struggling to understand what your customer wants you can start backwards from the transformation you create toward the external problem they are having.
Another way to find out what your customers need is by actually reaching out. Yep, have a conversation with them.
- Get on the phone with them and write down the exact adjectives, verbs and descriptions of what they say.
- Drop into Facebook groups, search your niche topic and check out the comments or discussions
- Observe how your competitors are marketing, what ads they have been running for a while and the types of comments that are associated to them.
- Go back to your own email replies to see if your customers have ever told you what they want, without archiving it.
- If you're in the same industry as your customers, recall what problems you had to face when you were still starting out.
Phase 2: Write a killer opening & Subject Line
Most customers won’t read past the first few lines of your email, so make sure to hook them right away by touching on those pain points and telling them how you can help.
Subject Lines:
Some say you should put just as much effort into the subject line as you did to write the email!
Stay honest in your writing & have a goal to spark curiosity, making readers truly wonder what’s in store for them…
- Friendly Openers (Checking in....I dropped the ball...)
- Curiosity Driving (thought of you...stop me if I am wrong...)
- What you don't know about (Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA's) interest)
- What to do if....
- How to....(what your ICA wants in collapsed time)
- How to... ( ICA's Desire) without or with...(struggle or benefit)
- Desire...(Even if) Barrier...
- Undesired result...mysterious solution...
Make use of buzzwords
Buzzwords are a great tool to use for attracting clients. It immediately lets them know that you are an industry insider who speak their language.
- Research on specific buzzwords for your industry.
- For the health and wellness industry, buzzwords might include “realignment,” “fulfillment,” and “full-body wellness.”
- For those looking to grow their businesses some buzzwords might be “conversion,” “engagement,” and “value ladder.”
- Aim for a 70-30 split -- 70% of the email should be in your own unique voice, 30% should be the buzzwords and phrases that are floating around in your customers’ heads.
Keep it concise and straight to the point.
Although your greeting and openers should be unique to you and your brand, keep personal anecdotes to a minimum and focus on how you can solve their problems.
Follow the ‘Fill in the blank’ Formula
You start with the phrase, “I know what you’re thinking _______” or “I know that you think you have to ________…”
Then you fill in the blank with the pain-points you discovered from your audience research. You can even list several pain-points in bullet point form to lay out all the pain-points super clearly.
An example might look like this:
I know what you’re thinking….
- I’m tired of spending money on Facebook ads that don’t attract any sales
- I’m fed-up with having tons of engagement and still not making any money
- I hate slaving away to put together courses no one buys
This approach lets the readers know that you understand their problems.

Phase 3: The Irresistible Call-to-Action
You need a strong call-to-action (CTA) to give your readers instructions on what to do next and how to actually get your products, otherwise, they will just click away.
Give them very specific and clear instructions about what to do next. Lemme say it again for those of you in the back. YOU NEED TO TELL THEM WHAT TO DO SPECIFICALLY. Try something like:
- Click on the link & Book a 1:1 call today and we’ll talk over your business strategy.
- Click here to join the boss babes email list and get early access to the webinar!
- Get your free pass now, click on the link & it will be delivered to your inbox with all the discount details before anyone else.
When you’re specific and clear your reader knows what to do and what will happen after they follow your instructions.
Some people still won’t want to click on your stuff, but that’s alright. A super great click rate for the industry is 2.6%.
Here are some ways to actually get that click-thru rate
- Link things right on the page so they’re super easy to find and access.
- Offer a discount. People love to feel like they’re getting something special!
- Create a sense of urgency. Say something like:
- The discount code expires tomorrow so don’t miss out!
Do some brainstorming to figure out what the best CTA for your product, use fun language & integrate your personality into your email.
That's a wrap. You’ve created a killer email sequence that is going to rake in those profits and attract the kind of people you’ve been looking for all along.
The best part of all this? You can use the same basic steps to write all of your email sequences for your future launches. If you want a fool proof template on how to write your next launch sequence with direction every step of they way, click here to get my Money-Making Email Sequence for Launch Tool-kit!
When it comes to launching your new offer, I always thought it would be so damn nice to have a step-by-step toolkit so that you know exactly how many emails to write, how to write them and how to ask for the sale, right?!
So I built one!
Don't have your launch sequence down yet?
Then you probably need an easy to follow plan to end the guessing game and make sure that the time-sucking webinar you created actually pays off!
If you've ever felt like:
- You don't know what to say in a sales email...
- What’s the strategy behind writing a launch funnel?
- What are the right amount of emails to send?
- Am I being annoying?
- Should I actually ask for the sale?
- How do I get people to read my emails?
- I wanna be real, how pushy is too pushy?
Then you gotta check out my Money-Making Email Launch Tool-kit!
In the Launch Email Toolkit you will have the exact guidance on your strategy including:
- Webinar Replay (for non-attendees)
- Webinar Replay (for attendees) & Cart Open (fast-action bonus)
- Cart Open for all
- Objections and Testimonials
- Faq's
- Last call
It's not just the template, but the actually reasoning behind it so you can apply your process on repeat & get those "yes's" from your next launch!