How to Create Content Pillars

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what is a content pillar

Ever question what to post on social media to remain authentic, but also have a strategy? Or, maybe you’re in the camp of not knowing what to blog about? Finding new content each week can be frustrating and draining. Creating a content strategy developed to target your audience with content that matters to them is what marketing your services is all about. Your overall goal is to do this in a way that generates interest for your products and services. The best way to do this is to organize your content into buckets called, content pillars.

Get Your Free Content Pillars Workbook!

This workbook will give you the step-by-step plan to build your content pillars and the beginnings of your social media content strategy.


What are Content Pillars?

Content Pillars are a clean way of organizing your brand’s content topics. Every business, large or small has a range of things that they can talk about with their audience.

Think about content pillars like this:

  • Think of your business as a building.
  • Then consider the four pillars on the outside as your content pillars holding up the building.
  • All the walls and connecting structure inside the building all connects to the pillars and these are your surrounding topics. Make sense?

How Many Content Pillars Should I Have?

Typically, business owners should have between 3-5 content pillars that are relevant to their business. You can go up to five, but after that, your topics become more scattered, so keep it simple and trust me, you will have plenty to talk about!

For Reinvent Your Hustle, I help female impact-driven entrepreneurs gain clarity and confidence through strategic planning & organic marketing so they can grow their brands. My main content pillars are:

  • Vibrant Vision & Niching
  • Emotional Messaging
  • Digital Offers
  • Marketing Roadmaps
  • Pinterest

How to Create my Content Pillars?

Kristine schwartz getting you clarity to grow your business. Wanna know how to create content pillars for your brand? Download the free workbook today.

To create your content pillars, you need to first be clear on a couple of things:

  1. Your Niche
  2. Target Customer
  3. Your Customers Problems
  4. How you Solve your Customers Problems

If you know exactly what it is your business wants to accomplish then it will help you be clear on what you want to share.

Once you’re clear on these 4 things you should be able to more easily define your content pillars.

For example, let’s say you’re a health coach:

  • Health Coach Business Goal: Giving people with diabetes the tools they need to feel supported and in control

Or, Let’s say you’re an Interior Designer.

  • Virtual Interior Design Business Goal: Helping women create beautiful spaces that helps them feel comfortable and live their best life.
  • Content Pillars: Creating beautiful spaces, DIY, Home Décor, Industrial styling, Kitchen Remodels

So, finally if you’re a newborn and maternity photographer.

  • Photography Business Goal: Helping new moms, specializing in maternity and newborn photography! I educate photographers internationally online and conduct workshops around the world.
  • Content Pillars: Maternity photography, Newborn Photography & Online Education

This workbook will give you the step-by-step plan to build your content pillars and the beginnings of your social media content strategy, plus I'll send actionable tips to grow a profitable business!

Get Clear on Your Purpose

How to create your content pillars, download the free workbook today!

You need to know the basics of your business model to create your pillars and what makes your pillars work even harder for you is knowing your Marketing Goals.

Defining your marketing goals will give your content a purpose. When you have a plan that is measurable, it makes it a lot easier to track your performance. Your marketing goals should correlate to your overarching goals for the year.

Some examples could be to increase SEO for your website. This may mean that you need to create consistent, keyword rich content.

Or maybe you are looking to build greater brand awareness. That may mean you need to create content that educates and informs your expertise, providing value to your customer.

Your marketing goals are there to align your purpose to your content and your content pillars are intended for you to niche into your specialty.

What to Focus on?

How to create content pillars

From here it is up to you to solve your customers internal and external struggles through your content distribution. Think about your ideal customers inner dialogue, what are their inner thoughts?

External Struggles

By targeting their external struggles, you are solving their more physical, tangible problems.

Internal Struggles

Whereby targeting your customers internal struggles, those problems that are deeper, fear-based, emotional struggles, build a compelling need to work with you and pull at your potential clients’ heartstrings.

Knowing your target customers’ problems and how to solve them should be at the root of your offerings and should definitely be part of your content pillars and brand message.

Of course, once you know their internal and external problems you can frame your conversation in a way that best suits your brand voice.

Don't have a brand voice yet? You need one, click below to get my free guide and start building your perfect following with customers that love your vibe!

Final Thoughts

Make sure that as you are creating your content pillars and your content strategy that you are crystal clear on your target audience so that you can target them on the right channels where they will be searching to solve their problems.

Not sure on what those marketing channels are for your business?

Unclear on your brand’s message and wanting to emotionally connect to your customer??

Messaging is my jam and I am all about helping you finally connect your passion to your purpose so that you can attract the customers you are dying to work with and finally start seeing the dollar bills adding up in your bank account.

Ready to get clear on your niche and finally start getting new clients? The Co-Creative Collective program helps you get confident in your pitch, clear in your offers and aligned to your content strategy so you can start bringing in those dreamy clients.

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Favour Chidinma
Favour Chidinma

I loved every piece of this content.
It really gave in-depth on how to create a content pillars. You delivered much more than expected I must confess. Thank you Kristine 🤍

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