Master your Brand Message

How to create a brand Message

You wanna be a gamechanger in your niche? Ready to disrupt your market? How about make all of your target customers drooling over what you have to offer? Then you gotta get unshakably clear about what you sell and how your selling it, not in the cheesy marketing way, but in the, “I’m gonna make sure they know who I am,” and “why my shit is the best,” way. Let’s get you out of the fuzzy, unclear stage and into a place of clarity and confidence, let's master your brand message.

All of this is great is theory, but as a business owner there is so much that you do and are to your customers that it is hard to nail it down.

I get it.

This is why we need to be clear over clever and simplify what you do.

If you haven’t gone through the process of identifying your brand vision, well then its a worth while step in the grand scheme of marketing. Why? Well it’s not just for corporations or dreamers.

Why do you need to craft your brand vision before your message?

If you don’t plan on where you want to go, you won't be able to create a map of how to get there. Getting super clear on your vision informs what you really care about and will impact your core brand message.

If you want my fool proof process (and you do) on creating your brand vision, click here!




Once you're done…come on back…otherwise read on my friend.

Step One: Break Down & Simplify What You Do!

In order for your customers to flock to you they need to understand what you do clear as day.

Answer these Questions:

  • Why did you start your business?
  • What do you love to create?
  • What problem are you solving?
  • Who do you do it for?
  • How do you offer value for your customer?
  • What is the problem you solve?

Now create a list of the problems your client is experiencing. Make this a tangible (seen) issue. 

Then create a list of the results they want to experience and see. 

When you can articulate these problems and identify the results they want, you can more easily identify how you get them from point A (their problem) to point B (the result they want). 

Want a little cheat sheet? 

Step Two: Rock your Why!

In order to stay motivated and be in the right head space to create a brand that makes your customers chew at the bit to get your services, you need to generate that energy in your own business. That comes with knowing your WHY!

When you know your, “why,” it gives you PURPOSE!brand! Unsubscribe at any time.

Ask these 5 Questions & then make it visible!

  1. Why do you own your own business (get real here…is it freedom, your own rules, money)?
  2. What part about your business excites you?
  3. Who do you do it for and why is that important?
  4. Why is this business so important?
  5. What is that ‘thing’ that you really give a shit about?

Now, pick out the 3 common themes that repeat themselves and ask yourself what you truly stand for in your biz a.k.a what is your business all about...your purpose?


Reinvent your hustle is all about authentically helping people grow their businesses.

This is so important and here is why. When I started my company, I was in it to create a business so that I could make money. That just made everything fuzzier and more unclear.

When you shift to serving people and figuring out, “how” you make a difference, you begin to become more connected to your customers. When I made that shift, my customers started to gravitate toward me.

Now, finish this sentence: (my company) is all about ___________.

Step Three: Clarify Your Brand Message

A brand message is your core business idea. It should provide a solution to your customer’s problems while providing a unique sense of who you are. It should make your brand stand out and speak directly to your target customer.

When I work with my clients, we dive deep into your customer and who your serving. If you want to get true clarity, then you need to start to uncover why your customers think, talk, and behave the way they do.

First, Ask yourself these questions about your ideal customer:

  1. What is it that they value?
  2. What is it that frustrates them about your industry?
  3. How can you build trust with them?
  4. What stresses your customer out?
  5. What emotions do you want your customer to feel to buy from you?

Then, take the 3 repeating themes and write them down & determine the best way to serve your customer.

Example: Reinvent your Hustle’s best way to help their customers is to authentically grow their businesses through streamlining processes and strategic planning.

In order for me to authentically help them I have to provide value, reduce their overwhelm and give them a path to grow. This will build trust.

Ask Yourself: What do you believe to be true about your business and product?

Now, finish this sentence: (my company) is all about ___________ (from above) and the best way to serve my customer is by ___________________.

Your brand message is: What your company is all about + the best way you can serve your customer so they can achieve it.

No more struggle bus for you friend!

Now, let's determine how to use your brand message.

How to Use Your Brand Message

The next step is creating your marketing messages. And yes, they are different then your brand message!

Determining what makes your brand stand out, determine why your different and spelling out those amazing features for your customer is the heart of a marketing message.

Your brand message expresses the core of what you do and why it is important, where your marketing message makes it easy for your customers to understand the value you bring to them and how they can benefit from your brand.

Your brand message will always stay consistent where your marketing messages will change based on what you are promoting and to who.

You will use your brand message to inform your brand marketing.

Download the Master your Message Workbook today!

How to define what makes your business unique

You need to get clear on your unique point of view and your approach to business.

Having an opinion, a stake in the sand, your stance is what makes your business special and allows you to differentiate from your competition.

Answer these questions:

  • What makes you unique?
  • Do you have a special approach to business? Customer Service? Sales? Packaging? etc?
  • What is your point of view on your service? What key concepts do you stand behind?
  • What does your company do differently than others?

Still Struggling?

  • Take a look at the brands YOU are currently loyal to.
    • Why are you loyal to them?
    • What are they doing that their competition does not?
    • How do they make you feel and why do you feel that way?

Keep in mind, you don’t need to change what your actual service or product to be different.

Your difference may be within your service offering itself, how you package it up, your marketing, price point, delivery, customer service, values, social or environmental conscious strategies etc.

Once you nail why your different then you begin crafting your marketing messages! Some of the things you should consider are creating a one-liner off of this message, some attention grabbing headlines and really start to create a brand voice. I recommend doing a little bit of market research with your current customers to make sure that your brand message truly resonates with them!

Final Thoughts

In order to have a solid message that represents the core of your business and what you can do for your customers you gotta get clear on what you do, your "why," what makes you different, your target customer and how you serve them.

If any of these is unclear, you're going to keep spinning your wheels. If you need some help crafting your message let's chat! I would love to help you get rock solid in your approach!

Click here to schedule a free, no pressure, no b.s. consult. I would love to chat with you and help you get to your next!


Snag Your 4-page Brand Message workbook NOW!

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